Why Lawyers Need To CONSISTENTLY Invest In Marketing In Order To Generate Leads

May 9, 2012

The lack of time and expertise are two of the main reasons many law firms fail to have consistent marketing systems in place. Because of this, marketing tends to be ad-hoc, hardly ever measured and, for many, then becomes a waste of time. Typical mistakes that lawyers make include: Trying to market to everyone instead […]

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Marketing Metrics Lawyers Should Consider If They Want To Spend Money Wisely

May 8, 2012

What marketing metrics do you use in your law firm to measure success or failure? If you have problems trying to measure the success of your marketing efforts, it is worth considering whether it is because you either spend too much time on activitities that are not useful or you simply don’t know what activities […]

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Why Lawyers Need Systemised Follow Up Steps In Place To Make Marketing Work

May 4, 2012

A major complaint many lawyers have is that after having initial, positive meetings with prospects and sending proposals through, nothing happens. Some feel they have simply been played against other lawyers and participating in ‘beauty parades’ does not give the results expected from the effort put in. Now, many lawyers will be used to the […]

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Why Lawyers Need To Separate Out Lead Generation From Sales Conversion

May 3, 2012

Lawyers never want to be lumped together in the same bracket as sales people. Almost all would rather not have any sales conversations with prospects if they could avoid it, and rather have them come in via referrals. Many lawyers don’t differentiate between marketing and sales, and hence expect (or hope) that any marketing they […]

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Why Lawyers Should Not Just Settle On SEO, But Focus On Authority Marketing

May 2, 2012

With all the content now found on the Internet, a key challenge may lawyers have is simply getting noticed. For many smaller law firms or solo-practice lawyers, this remains a huge obstacle to survival or growth. As more lawyers create websites (because they have been told it is good to do so), many have turned […]

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Creating Law Firm Social Media Campaigns With Specific Results In Mind

April 30, 2012

One reason why many law firm social media campaigns fail is because there is no real thought put into defining what the ideal results are. Now when people think of the ideal marketing results, they imagine having loads of prospects getting in touch and getting converted into clients. That is all well and good, but […]

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Why Lawyers Should Use Social Media To Help Get Customer Feedback

April 30, 2012

Client feedback is a crucial component of effective law firm marketing programmes. Though many large firms do client satisfaction surveys or have business development teams that have detailed follow up strategies in place, many small firms don’t do so because of cost constraints or an apparent lack of time. It is impossible, however, to create […]

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Why Poor Law Firm Client Service Makes Social Media Pointless

April 30, 2012

Not many lawyers would admit to treating clients and prospects poorly. Yet, this is something many clients feel their lawyers do Some lawyers have added social media to their communications strategy as a way of building relationships with prospects or clients, but got more frustrated as their efforts didn’t appear to sway any negative customer […]

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How Lawyers Can Use Marketing To Identify And Sift Out Hot Prospects

April 11, 2012

One reason why many lawyers don’t like marketing or think it is not worth the effort is because they have not done it properly in the past. This could be for a whole lot of reasons, but more often than not it is because of a lack of time and expertise. There is also the […]

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Law Firm Blog Posts Should Not Just Be Nice, They Should Contribute To Your Lead Generation Strategy

March 26, 2012

A key problem many lawyers have is making the connection between generating content and using that content to move prospects through their sales funnels. It is tough measuring the success of your social media tactics if you don’t set them up in the first place to support the lead generation goals you have set yourself. […]

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