Why Lawyers Need To Stop Talking About Social Media

August 8, 2012

This seems like a suicidal statement, given the name of this blog, especially since I talked about this subject earlier this year here. However, it rings true for any lawyer and I am coming back to this subject because it remains a big issue for many lawyers. The view that social media is a seperate […]

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How Can Lawyers Measure The Success Of Social Media Campaigns?

July 30, 2012

How do you measure the success of your law firm social media campaigns? Measuring the success of social media activity remains a key challenge for many lawyers. Getting hard facts on the number of new leads or the impact on the bottom line as a result of using social media is something that many simply […]

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The Importance Of Local Search For Law Firms

July 30, 2012

Most lawyers generate business locally or nationally, so this post is going to highlight the reasons why lawyers have to think about local search strategies in order to attract more clients. For those lawyers that might not know about Google places. local search, etc… take note as this is really important if you want to […]

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What Every Lawyer Ought To Know About Social Media Platforms And Architecture

July 6, 2012

A key problem many lawyers face is knowing what social media platforms they should use for effective lead generation and client engagement. This choice is even harder if they don’t have the right culture in place for social business to work, which normally means they don’t make the effort to either choose or use the […]

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Why Lawyers Need To Make It Simple For Prospects To Learn And Make Decisions

July 4, 2012

There is a great article on Forbes about  the need to simply decision making processes for prospects. One of the key challenges law firm rainmakers or business development teams face is making it simple for a prospect to take the  next step through their sales funnels. When lawyers start to use social media to help […]

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Consumerisation Of IT And What It Means For Law Firm Social Media Engagement

June 29, 2012

The consumerisation of IT is a trend many organisations find increasingly difficult to manage, a topic covered here by the The Law Society Gazette and by industry analysts such as Freeform Dynamics here. The blurring of the line between technology used for business and personal use means law firm IT departments have to make a […]

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Why Systems Are Important For Law Firm Lead Generation And Marketing

June 13, 2012

Many lawyers, similar to a huge number of professional services firms, resort to a haphazard approach to lead generation when they get squeezed by the loss of clients, increased competition and longer sales cycles. When there aren’t enough prospects or leads to follow up, too many service professionals suddenly feel the heat and decide they […]

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What Lawyers Can Learn From Successful Catalogue Marketers

May 31, 2012

Can lawyers learn something from the catalogue industry about getting responses from prospects? Getting noticed in the first place is a major problem for many lawyers. Having got over this, a huge number are then frustrated by the poor response to their marketing or messages. Part of the problem might be related to the way […]

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How The Social Web Is Transforming Legal Services

May 16, 2012

Here’s a thought for lawyers looking to attract clients using social media… Your social web (i.e. the set of social relations that link you to your prospects, clients and peers through the Internet) means that increasingly, your reputation will be determined by the interactions everyone in your social web has with each other. Various stakeholders […]

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Why Lawyers Need To Understand Customer Life Cycles In Order To Retain Profitable Clients

May 11, 2012

One of the most important skills successful lawyers have is the ability to understand, and manage, their customers’ life cycles. When I talk about a client life cycle, I refer to the journey a prospect takes from when they first notice you, to following you and consuming any relevant information you might provide, right through […]

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